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Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Nash Equilibrium

While discussing exam papers with my friends today, I made an important discovery.

Girls, imagine yourself as a guy, in a group of guys.

Facing you are 3 pretty girls.

The first girl is pretty, clever, slim, lovable... everything u ask for in a girl.

The second girl isn't as good as the first, and the third not as good as the second.

Who will you choose? The prettiest one?

Now, you have to note that there're hundreds of guys vying for her.

Knowing that you stand a lower chance of getting her (afterall u arent tt great either)

Will you settle for the second best? She's not that bad after all..

Nash equilibrium teaches us in real life, we tend to settle for the second or third best because we know that chances of getting the best is slim.

Finally, I understood why no one seems interested in me.

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