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Wednesday, April 06, 2005


This is soo irritating!!!!!

I'm into my PA(professional attachment) selection phase 3, when 99% of my friends already have a company.

At least there's still ying wai to show my sorrows with.

Why is it that i cant get the co. that i want?

Are my results so lousy? It's not like i'm a straight Cs students or wad..

Ying wai concluded tt phase 1 tests our resume writing skills, phase 2 tests our luck, and phase 3 tests our mouse clicking skills.

Apparently I am considered an unskilled labourer in these 3 aspects.

I've jus browsed through the cos. in phase 3 round 2. Everything is either acc related, mkting related or hr related.

Why do i have to attach to these cos? ISn't it an utter waste of my time to do work tt are entirely unrelated to my specialisation? And so what if i am good at them? Does it add any value to my resume at the end of the day? If my results were lousy, I will ren ming. Afterall, cos will rather choose smart ppl than stupid ones. BUT THE FACT IS I AM NOT THATTTTT STUPID! Jus because i am unlucky, i dont get the attachment of my specialisation. Does that make sense? Does that sound fair? I really dun think so.

People who already have their cos. wont understand me n ying wai's feelings. I dont even know it phase 3 has enough cos for us to go around. My sixth sense tells me that I will end up getting a co that is in the west, unheard of and requires me to do telemarketing. And i hate telemarketing through and through. Arghhhhhhhhh.

Why must NTU make us go thru PA? Esp when they jolly well know that there wont be enough companies to go around! And some poor souls will have to be attached to cos that wont ever cross their paths in life. If they want us to go thru PA, the least tt they can do is make sure that there are enough economic related or BnF related cos! And not let unlucky ppl do work that they dont want to! that wont add value to their lives! Otherwise, dun use luck to determine our fates! At least use resume writing skills to determine! At least i will know that i lose to others cos of my lousy writing skills! NTU jus proved to me tha the world is an unfair place. PUI!
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