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Sunday, July 30, 2006

Of Boyfriends and Love

Many of us definitely have experienced this way before:

You: So, what did your boyfriend do for you on Valentines' Day?

Friend X: Ohhh, he bought me a Tiffany & Co diamond necklace! Then he treated me to a sumptous and expensive dinner at Equinox!

You: Wah.... he's willing to spend so much on you...

Friend X: Yar lor.. then you leh?

You: He just bought me a Citigems diamond pendant lor.

Friend X: Har? He didn't buy you a necklace to go with it meh??

You: No lar, he thought i have necklace liao, and the pendant quite expensive too..

Friend X: Oh. I see.

Perhaps, deep down in your heart, you envy your friend soooo much. For having such a generous boyfriend. While you are just stuck with an un-romantic and so-so boyfriend. Sometimes, you may even qian qi your bf when he is unable to treat u to a dinner and you two have to go dutch.

It took me 5 years to realise that this really shouldn't be the case, because every bf is different.. the sacrifices that they can make are also different. Like Friend X (who is imaginary btw), she probably has a bf who is filthy rich, so spending a bomb on his own gf probably isn't a sacrfice at all. But if your poor bf spends a small fortune on you, be it citigems or taka jewellery, shouldnt you be happy? Because, your bf is making a way bigger sacrifice than friend x's bf!

Sometimes i also envy my friends whose bfs drive, but i am so ashamed tt i even thought tt way for a single second. Its so materialistic and come on, being driven around doesn't make the rs any more lovely. A bf who takes the trouble to send u home by bus and den take the slow bus back home is a very sweet bf!

So, I have decided not to qian qi my bf anymore, and also the people ard me! (not tt i used to qian qi them a lot okayyy jus that I think i need to be more appreciative of them)

Quote of the day: "No sacrifice is too small to make."
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