A Story about a Girl
Since young, the 2nd sis has always been closer to the little girl (i.e. the youngest sister). This was because the eldest sister could not get along very well with the little girl (their characters are very similar tt's why). And the age gap (between eldest sis and little girl) was wide, so it was harder for them to be closer. So the 2nd sis always (OK not always..) stood up for the little girl when she gets bullied.
The little girl grew up to be very pretty and sweet. When she went to primary school, she was disliked by her classmates, though it wasn't because of her looks (pls b reminded young kids at the age of 7 dont get jealous of other ppl cos of looks..), it was because she was different. She had a hard time.. even her chinese teacher complained to her 2nd sis that she doesnt pay attention in class.
In pri 2 she transferred sch. Things didnt change for the better. She was still shunned by other kids. Classmates bullied her, refused to play with her or even go near her. She only had one good friend back then, but her fren migrated to HK in pri 3. Her good fren gave her her address in HK, so tt they could keep in touch. She wrote her a letter.. and asked her 2nd sis to send it out. However, the letter was returned, cos apparently, the good fren has written the address wrongly and that add didnt exist. The 2nd sis knew that the little girl was very upset and missed her fren a lot. But what could she do?
Her bad pri sch experience continued all the way till pri 6.. classmates still go up to her and say nasty things about her, laughing at her difference from other kids. Her 2nd sis was very angry, but she couldnt do anything.. she was already in secondary school and couldnt protect her sister.
THe little girl's results were affected. She didnt do well in school. Once, she got stung by a bee (which flew into the rotating fan, died and fell straight onto the little girl's hand). SHe screamed and cried, but the teacher insisted that she was naughty and provoked the bee and it served her right to get stung.
The day came when the 2nd sis could finally do sth. On the day when PSLE results was to be released, her 2nd sis went to the little girl's school with her to collect her results. As usual the little girl's classmates tried to bully her. But the 2nd sis couldnt do anything! She couldnt scold the classmates.. their parents were around.. all she could do was let her sis hide behind her.
Things changed for the better when the little girl went to secondary school. She had a group of friends who didnt mind that she was different. And she became very happy with them. The second sis was glad that she managed to find such good friends. Finally, she can have a happy teenage life.
Then the little girl had a bf at 17. But in jus a few months, the guy left her. The little girl was left devastated. Her 2nd sis felt the pain the little girl was gg thru, and help her along the road to recovery, which lasted almost a yr. But one day, the 2nd sis realised that the little girl had another bf. She became very angry, and afraid. She was afraid that the guy will leave her eventually, jus like the previous one. ANd how long will the recovery take? Will her little sis be able to take the pain n lonliness that comes with a breakup? And what if the guy dumps her one day because of her 'difference', esp when a "better" girl comes along? Wouldnt her little sis have to go through the suffering in pri sch?
Sadly, the little girl does not understand her 2nd sis's paranoia. Hopefully, the day mentioned never comes. And so her little sister can lead a happily after life.